Bluetooth®  Mesh for Meeting the Energy-Saving Needs of Today and Beyond
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Building standards and market trends are dictating how luminaires manufacturers need to adapt to a growing list of requirements in order to save energy for building owners and facilities managers. Whether the target specifications are taken from DesignLights Consortium (DLC), LEED, Title 24, or the WELL building standard, it’s clear that Bluetooth mesh has an important role to play today. However, one key question to ask is how can building owners and facilities managers make future-proofing decisions today that will enable them to meet the standards of tomorrow. In order to answer this question, we will analyze the requirements from the U.S. Department of Energy $12.2M L-Prize, which focuses on how the next generation of indoor commercial luminaires can incorporate the latest LED technologies and connectivity solutions where we will examine how Bluetooth mesh can be leveraged for meeting the energy-saving needs of today and beyond.